The Seattle Times Doesn’t Get It

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“Old, Biased and Confused”

Ah, I had almost forgot how shortsighted and apparently starved for page views (disclaimer, this blog takes all page views!) the Seattle Times must be.

After a few editorials on the subject of the Sonics Arena, they were back at it again this weekend with a study funded by the opposition which, of course destroys the arena proposal with some shady numbers. These numbers of course hadn’t seen the light of day until they did some good old fashioned digging was done by some sleuths (note, not their own staff reporters, which I also think says something) that a grand total of NOBODY caught until they found them.

If you were to read this, you would think that the City Council, the King County Council and also the Mayor did absolutely no fact checking, or that a judge already threw out this case about the arena being I-91 compliant.

Of course, because Chris is an angel, he responded to these claims through his own website where he also gives a little bit of a lesson in finance.  Apparently, this has flown over the head of the Seattle Times.

So if anything, I guess the Times got the page views they wanted, but this is all I read.

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